Data Analyst Program

Fundamentals of Data Analysis with Python

Develop programming skills with Python, which will allow you to collect, manipulate, prepare and create complex data sets that will be explored, analyzed and obtained conclusions.

Fundamentals of Data Analysis with Python

Foundations of Python Programming

Develop the skills and logical thinking to create programs and projects in Python, using strings, lists, loops, dictionaries and functions.

Fundamentals of Data Analysis with Python

Foundations of the NumPy Package

Develop the skills to carry out the analysis of data sets using linear algebra and complex mathematical operations with the NumPy package.

Fundamentals of Data Analysis with Python

Foundations of the Pandas Dataframe Package

Develop the skills to obtain, transform, load and analyze data sets using the Pandas package, which makes it easy to manage all types of data in two-dimensional arrays and tables with access to rows and columns.